Since this year we are on the hunt for questions and quick answers are not really our thing, we have created for you Questions & Researchs, which brings a world wide questioning, challenging ideas and searching for answers into focus.

Talks with filmmakers from all over the world – daily at 6 p.m. (CEST) live from schikaneder cinema and online at Theater zeitimpuls 

22. Juni – LGBTQ-Talk: Let’s shift continents!

23. Juni – Q&R: New focus – different sharpening?

24. Juni – Q&R: Experiments and filming

25. Juni – Q&R: Why so short?

Naseeba Bagalaaliwo

our guest, June 22

Miguel de Ornelas

our guest June, 22

Horatio Parisotto

our guest June, 22

Florine Mougel_photo

Florine Mougel

our guest, June 23

Alma ben Zeev

our guest, June 23

Lucrecia Cisneros Rincón

our guest June, 23

João Meirinhos

our guest, June 24

Beate Hecher & Markus Keim

our guests, June 24

Omani Frei

our guest, June 24

Brenda Jorde

our guest, June 25

Olga Kosanovic

our guest, June 25

Florian Noever & Hannes Schmidt

our guests, June 25

 … and many other filmmakers from all around the world will support us with questions and research!