Since this year we are on the hunt for questions and quick answers are not really our thing, we have created for you Questions & Researchs, which brings a world wide questioning, challenging ideas and searching for answers into focus.
Talks with filmmakers from all over the world – daily at 6 p.m. (CEST) live from schikaneder cinema and online at Theater zeitimpuls
22. Juni – LGBTQ-Talk: Let’s shift continents!
23. Juni – Q&R: New focus – different sharpening?
24. Juni – Q&R: Experiments and filming
25. Juni – Q&R: Why so short?
Naseeba Bagalaaliwo
our guest, June 22
Miguel de Ornelas
our guest June, 22
Horatio Parisotto
our guest June, 22
Florine Mougel
our guest, June 23
Alma ben Zeev
our guest, June 23
Lucrecia Cisneros Rincón
our guest June, 23
João Meirinhos
our guest, June 24
Beate Hecher & Markus Keim
our guests, June 24
Omani Frei
our guest, June 24
Brenda Jorde
our guest, June 25
Olga Kosanovic
our guest, June 25
Florian Noever & Hannes Schmidt
our guests, June 25
… and many other filmmakers from all around the world will support us with questions and research!